Therapy & Care
The trained team of therapists at the Klinik Dr. Baumstark that motivates and convinces. A team of doctors and therapists work together constructively to create a holistic and individual treatment concept. Comprehensive psychological care, social therapy and nutritional counselling complement the therapy concept with the aim of improving performance and freedom from symptoms.
Spinal diseases/ surgery
You can find further possible therapies in our therapy offer from A to Z.
Joint diseases/ surgery
Physiotherapy and physical therapy
Physiotherapy treatments aim to improve joint function, muscle strength, coordination, joint protection and dislocation prevention.
To this end, the physiotherapy department offers a wide range of techniques within the framework of individual physiotherapy and group gymnastics programmes. In addition, active movement promotion and medical training therapy are also used. All common physical therapy measures are offered, in particular massages, lymph drainage and low-, medium- and high-frequency electrotherapy.
Individual physiotherapy starts with mobilisation, muscle training and gait stability training. Depending on the patient's illness and the consequences of the damage, different therapy elements and concepts (such as Brügger, FBL, Maitland, Klein-Vogelbach, etc.) are applied, depending on the qualification of the therapist. This is where the motivation for independent regular exercise and the joy of movement of the achieved successes in mobility already begins.
In addition, depending on the diagnosis, the patient also receives the CPM motor splint as a regular therapy device to support mobilisation.
In the course of treatment, depending on the degree of mobilisation and the patient's ability, therapy is supplemented by training in a closed group. Depending on the specific indication and degree of mobilisation, the patient is assigned to a group that serves general conditioning and is an appropriate supplement to the therapy for the age group. Depending on the load, this includes 2-3 times a week, e.g. gait training in the clinic's own indoor and outdoor course, climbing stairs, etc. The aim is to achieve a secure, well-coordinated gait pattern and the safe use of aids such as crutches, hand canes or rollators.
The following group therapies are suitable for knee/hip patients:
Group therapy also includes physiotherapy in the exercise pool. As a rule, patients take part in this form of therapy two to three times a week once the wound has healed and there is no contraindication for water applications. Depending on the clinical picture, the following exercise baths are assigned/prescribed:
After beginning treatment in the exercise pool, patients have the opportunity to participate in independent exercise during the supervised opening hours of the exercise pool after obtaining the doctor's consent or the prescription in the therapy plan.
After an introduction to the exercise machines, patients are allowed to perform ergometer training and sequence training for the trunk, upper and lower extremities with the permission of the attending doctors or with the corresponding therapy prescription (under supervision). This equipment is also available for independent exercise at weekends and on public holidays.
The group therapy programme for spinal column patients is structured similarly:
Here, too, patients are assigned to the groups according to the indication and the doctor's prescription. In addition, Nordic walking takes place three times a week.
Manual lymphatic drainage is used for clinically relevant oedema. Tension complaints are additionally treated with massages. If necessary, electrotherapy, heat therapy in the form of natural moor packs in the water bed and medical baths are available to the patients. Other applications can usefully supplement the course of therapy. For example, moor kneading, inhalation, rod bath and migraine therapy. Temporary partial paresis or pain can be treated with electrostimulation (TENS).
In occupational therapy, individual care and training are provided with the aim of achieving the greatest possible independence and resilience in daily life/occupation. Self-sufficiency, independence and the ability to act are the focus of the therapy. In addition, prosthesis use training, splint fitting, joint-strengthening, joint-protecting and joint-mobilising therapy measures are also carried out in the occupational therapy department.
In detail, the following therapies are carried out:
- promotion of mobility, strength and coordination
- improvement of endurance and resilience
A large training room with appropriate equipment is available in the sports hall for medical training therapy. For example, autostabilisation exercises after spinal operations or specific ergometer training after endoprosthetic joint replacement can be carried out here.
The task of activating rehabilitation care requires comprehensive professional competences from the nursing staff, in which specialised medical and nursing expertise converge.
In addition to these professional competences, organisational competences, coordination and cooperation skills as well as counselling competences in dealing with patients and relatives are also required.
The restoration of the rehabilitant's state of health has top priority. The improvement of his independence in everyday activities, the reintegration into his social environment and his profession are the main goals. This requires comprehensive medical, therapeutic and nursing care for the patient, which is guaranteed by the qualification of the nursing staff with continuous further and advanced training.
Nursing measures often enable the prerequisite for further rehabilitative measures, e.g. to be able to carry out therapeutic applications without pain or to create a sense of well-being and a level of motivation through extensive conversation, which makes the patient's stay in rehabilitation more effective.
The nursing activities primarily include restoring the greatest possible independence in the activities of daily living through activating care "helping people to help themselves". The nursing staff recognise and promote the patients' resources and thus enable them to act independently in their health.
Nursing tasks mainly include:
Within the scope of its nutritional medicine services, the Klinik Dr. Baumstark has a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic options at its disposal. In addition to a nutritionist, our dietary assistant and dietary chefs are available to provide advice. By working in small groups and cooking together in the training kitchen, overweight, obesity and various food intolerances can be treated.
The aim is to gain information about the causes and consequences of overweight or diet-related diseases and the ability to deal with them independently. Among other things, knowledge is imparted on appropriate nutrition for diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. But also other special diet-related diseases such as gluten intolerance, lactose or fructose intolerance, digestive disorders after intestinal, pancreas or gall bladder operations can be individually advised and trained.
Mild eating behaviour disorders (not anorexia and bulimia) can be co-treated within the framework of psychological care.
Another important aspect in the treatment of eating disorders is physical activity. This is done through the extensive balneo-physical, physiotherapeutic and sports therapy services.
In order to optimise the success of the treatment, an interdisciplinary cooperation of all professional groups takes place within the framework of the rehabilitation measure. As psychological and social factors often have an influence on the development and course of the disease or on the healing process, psychological/ psychotherapeutic care and treatment - carried out by qualified psychologists/psychological psychotherapists - is integrated into the treatment concept of the rehabilitation. The indication for co-treatment and assignment to the psychological individual and group interventions results from the medical history/diagnosis, from previous findings (e.g. if there is a psychological comorbidity), from the indications of the therapeutic team and from the needs of the patient. If necessary, psychological diagnostics are carried out (including the use of standardised psychological tests).
Co-treatment is mainly given to patients with chronic pain syndromes and somatisation disorders, psychological stress reactions and adjustment disorders in connection with the occurrence of illnesses, occupational and family problems and stressful situations, depressive illnesses and anxiety disorders, psychovegetative exhaustion syndromes, sleep disorders as well as patients with health-damaging behaviours and attitudes (risk behaviours).
Treatment takes place in individual or group sessions (behavioural psychology or behaviour therapy oriented). In addition, psychological involvement takes place in presentations for health information and promotion.
The psychological/psychotherapeutic individual interventions (individual counselling or individual therapy) are supportive, resource-oriented and problem-solving. Possible goals include:
It is also important to discuss the possibilities of realising and implementing the developed solution and coping strategies in the patient's everyday life; if necessary, the patient is recommended further outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment.
The psychologist's tasks also include writing the report on the findings and treatment.
The nursing staff in rehabilitation also play a central role in this, as the nursing staff have a central coordinating position in the therapeutic team. They are primarily the contact persons for the patients 24 hours a day, but also for the relatives as well as for the doctor and all colleagues from the therapeutic team.
It is very important to the sports therapists at the Klinik Dr. Baumstark to accompany the patients throughout the entire training process and to make sure that they do not overload themselves. You will learn what it is like to listen to your body's own signals and use your strength optimally. In this way, you will make rapid progress and achieve the greatest possible rehabilitation success.
The goal is to convey the joy of movement. To achieve this goal, the doctors work out personal therapy plans hand in hand with the responsible sports therapist. Individual prerequisites and needs are taken into account. Sports therapy is the most active part of rehabilitation.
Sports therapy services
Physical therapy
Respiratory gymnastics
Respiratory gymnastics improves lung ventilation and respiratory performance.
Bruges therapy
This therapy involves learning to maintain an upright posture, correcting the statics of the entire body and releasing muscle shortening due to poor posture.
Brunkow therapy
In the treatment method according to BRUNKOW, muscle tension is transferred to the torso through targeted pushing and stamping of hands and feet. This causes involuntary torso straightening with isometric whole-body tension.
Cranio Sacral Body Therapy
This treatment method is a very subtle and gentle, yet intense and profound holistic bodywork. Gentle touch promotes relaxation, activates the self-healing powers, releases blockages and tensions. Cranio Sacral Body Therapy can be used alone or in support of other forms of therapy.
Ergometer training
Ergometer training improves the performance of the cardiovascular system and increases general endurance.
Individual physiotherapy (with/without cryotherapy)
The aims of treatment in individual physiotherapy are to reduce pain, increase the range of movement of joints, improve function and strengthen muscles and improve coordination.
Functional kinesiology
Functional movement teaching is a concept of the movement school. It involves the instruction of therapeutic exercises and the application of treatment techniques that attempt to bring about changes in movement behaviour.
Gait training
In gait training, the therapist practises functional, gait-typical movement patterns with the patient in order to develop an axis-appropriate, joint-friendly and economical gait pattern. The more physiological a patient's gait pattern is, the more harmonising this has an effect on the tension state of the muscles of the trunk and lower extremities.
Classical massage
The classical massage is the best known and most widely used form of massage. It is used for the prevention and treatment of complaints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but can also have a beneficial effect on diseased internal organs.
Manual lymph drainage
Gentle grips along the course of the lymphatic vessels mobilise the tissue fluid or oedema and stimulate its drainage. This treatment is used after operations, among other things.
Manual therapy
The aim of manual therapy is to identify and treat dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system in order to maintain or restore normal function in the joint and all functionally and structurally related tissues.
Medicinal baths
Baths with medicinal additives or aromatic oils to relax or stimulate the circulation.
Natural mud packs in the waterbed
The warm waterbed (42°C) transports the health-promoting healing substances of the natural moor into the body, where they unfold their effects.
Nordic Walking
Nordic walking improves endurance through faster walking and the rhythmic use of two special walking sticks. Walking, the sportier version of walking, is described in the literature as a "gentle" form of endurance training that ensures sufficient training stimulus with little risk of overstraining the body.
Sling table
The sling table is a therapeutic aid that enables the therapist to carry out treatments while partially removing the patient's own weight or individual affected body sections. Depending on the diagnosis and the therapeutic objective, these parts of the body are suspended with slings suspended from rope cords (in the sling table).
Group applications
Exercise bath groups
In specifically oriented groups (general movement bath, spine, leg), gymnastic exercises are performed in the water, thereby relieving the joints. The exercises are performed with or without gymnastics equipment and serve to additionally strengthen the muscles.
Hip and knee groups
These groups are suitable for patients after the insertion of an artificial joint or after fractures of the leg and pelvis. Specific exercises strengthen the leg and pelvic muscles and stretch shortened muscles. In addition, walking is also trained.
Back school
In the back school, everyday movements and situations are discussed with regard to their effects on the back and back-friendly movements are learned.
Outdoor TEP groups (hip and knee)
Here, everyday gait training takes place in the adjacent park with slightly ascending or descending paths, uneven surfaces and stairs.
Spinal gymnastics
Spinal gymnastics is divided into acute and normal groups depending on the intensity of the strain. Special gymnastic exercises are used to strengthen the entire trunk musculature in order to stabilise and relieve the spine.
Swimming lessons
Learning how to swim backstroke.
Electrotherapy supports the healing process in disturbed functional processes of the nervous and muscular system.
Psychological/ psychotherapeutic treatment and counselling
Within the framework of psychological individual discussions, groups and lectures, there is the possibility of finding ways and starting points for improving the way you deal with illness and pain and for coping with stress, strain and conflicts, as well as strengthening your competence to implement them in everyday life. Awareness and confidence regarding your personal ability to act and cope should be promoted.
You will also receive information on health risk factors and health-promoting behavioural styles and attitudes.
We also want to support you in building your physical and mental relaxation skills. Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson is offered as a relaxation method.